
TTI Canada Reseller FAQ's

To view and/or print the FAQs:

What information should I have available for the Authorization?

Be prepared to provide the following:

  • Authorization Pass Code

  • First and Last Name - Must be owner, officer or authorized company signatory as it will appear as the signatory name on the executed Agreement & applicable Addendums

  • Creation of a Username for your company that cannot be changed

  • Creation of a Password that can be changed

  • Primary Email Address and two additional Email Addresses to be used for all critical TTI Floor Care email business communications.

  • Primary Company Telephone number to be used as the search key for inquiries into the validation of your Authorization status (Distributors will use this tool to validate a Dealer’s Authorization status)

  • Primary Company Website URL (if applicable)

  • Company legal name – correct spelling is important

  • Company DBA(s) – accuracy and correct spelling are important as this is the Company Name we will use for our End User Dealer locator

  • Primary Company headquarters/corporate/legal address

  • Business contacts including owners, officers, purchasing, marketing, accounts receivable, etc.